Farm-house Pascucci (Tolentino)

C.da Pianibianchi 55 62029 Tolentino (Macerata) - Marche
COD: 043053-AGR-00008 CIN: IT043053B57RAJMDKL

から 70 - 80 € ダブルルーム一泊の価格
睡眠場所: 8 宿泊タイプ: アパート 部屋

価格 Farm-house

最低価格 最高価格
人あたり一泊の価格 70 80
ダブルルーム一泊の価格 70 80
トリプルルーム一泊の価格 90 100
4人ルーム一泊の価格 110 120

サービス Farm-house

  • 朝食ルーム
  • ガーデン(庭園)
  • ゲストの無料駐車場
  • バーベキュー
  • 台所
  • 典型的な家具
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • ミニ冷蔵庫
  • テレビ
  • 衛星テレビ
  • 暖房
  • きれいな景色
  • 共有庭

レストラン 0


C.da Pianibianchi 55, 62029 Tolentino - Macerata - Marche

レビュー Farm-house Pascucci

客評価 Pascucci

部屋の清潔さ :
ロケ一ション :
部屋の質 :
提供されたサービス :
価格/品質 :
1 レビュー
Vacation/sight seeing Famiglia Con Bambini
The Pascucci House was very clean. The furnishings in the kitchen area were a little sparse. It needed a comfortable couch or reading chairs. The bedrooms were very nice and romantic. The outside patio area was also very pleasant with a nice view of the area. It is very close to a beautiful lake. Our host was very accommodating and we managed to understand each other. Although neither one of us understood the language very well. Our young host helped our daughter connect online even though our location was a bit remote. The town of Tolentino was quaint and had some good restaurants and the people of the Marches were very friendly and helpful. The only problem we had was finding the house. It's up a dirt road over looking the lake. We needed an escort to the property. I would recommend this property to friends and family. (グッド) flag ja

所有者に連絡する から 70 - 80 € ダブルルーム一泊の価格

boss このプロパティは、によって管理されます。 Emanuele

話す - イタリア語, 英語,


景色 13628

他の提案 - Macerata

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