The name "Masi Brenta " comes from the dialect of the Trentino Brenta, common water container wood, used to wash cloths, such as bath or trough for the animals. In the past, had become a nickname for residents of Mason, whose history has its roots in 1700, when they built the first terrace, that from Noriglio, village of Rovereto, come to the end the valley of Terragnolo.
Originating in the village farmers "Scottini and Potrich " Terragnolo realized, at the beginning of 1800, the first small building Maso. Down the valley to work the terraces more productive. Initially, for shelter from storms, they built of small cavities in the walls of dry stone. Later arose on two floors, a log cabin, with the stove and the ba in the attic. The structure served as a shelter for people and animals. The farmers were standing there for months, in spring and in autumn, and to prepare the fields for harvest. Over time, these small buildings were enlarged to become a permanent home of the farmers and their family. One of these buildings is dated 1860. Wells, at rest Now the building is equipped with solar panels, that warm drinking water. But until the year 1997/8, the sole source water supply was Maso of the rain water channeled, which down from the roof and ended in the various wells, carried out inside of the house. These wells will provide an occasion dining for many people tired and thirsty by the way, traveling along the path from Terragnolo in Rovereto.
Heavy loads of firewood on their shoulders, but also mushrooms, animals and other mountain products, which were brought into town for sale. Hard work done in particular the so-called "Terragnole " experts on the cook "fanzelti " food for the poor, consisting of potatoes, buckwheat flour, salt, water. Everything was fried in pork fat, now we use oil. The terraced agricultural landscape From 30 years to 60 years, lived here at "Masi Brenta " about a dozen people: the three brothers Scottini, with their families. The last inhabitants were left to the end 70 's . Look carefully at the area that the old road that leads from Rovereto to Terragnolo (Loc. Zoreri ), you can still see the signs and the remaining evidence of an agricultural landscape, which now appears almost dissolved: then imagine a myriad of small property, where he practiced subsistence agriculture. Now the effort is that landscape become almost everywhere the landscape of abandonment. Neglect and spontaneous reforestation are masking the old terraces. Still, the terraced landscape keeps values that would encourage, wherever possible, its preservation and enhancement. Among these values are also the memory and respect due to so much trouble. The renovation and enlargement of the Farm "Masi Brenta " (b&b) is willed, devised and performed by Silvano Valle, a native of Terragnolo, passionate of horses and animals in general, agriculture and stones. Much of the farm was just rebuilt in stone. Valley has also placed the terraces around the Farm, with the help of two Romanian laborers. A job that lasted seven years. The small historical museum of "Masi Brenta " In the farm "MB " you can also visit a small Historical Museum 's "Masi Brenta ", which contains numerous and interesting objects, once used by the inhabitants structure. Particular objects, tools, the hybrid, historic photos, newspapers, religious images, fossil found in the fields. Moreover, the Finonchio, like other mountains of Trentino, was bo from the sea (Mesozoic era), it is easy to find the fossils. Rearranging items to set up the small "Museum of Masi Brenta ", was also found an old image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, framed, dating back at least sixty years ago. Printing on paper has been removed, after which had broken the glass of the picture. Thus removing the image from the wood panel, argued that, it was noted that had been clearly imprinted on the panel face of Jesus. A chemical phenomenon, aided perhaps by the time and the penetration of light, which makes the event interesting. It seems to be the face of Jesus in the Holy Shroud, but on wood.
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