Farmhouses In Italy - Complete Informations, Photos And Rewies To Help You Choosing Your Perfect Farmhouse Liguria

131 Recommended Farm-house

Country House in Liguria

A mild weather and small villages perched on Appennini mountains, make of Liguria region a unique landscape, which blends to the delicious smell of seafood cuisine, the scent of the flowers of the Riviera and the sound of fishermen, up to Cinque Terre, a slice of heaven. From the East to the West coast, this land hosts a mix of sea, beaches and mountains, where each Gulf, as Tigullio and La Spezia ones, holds small treasures to visit.
Don't miss
Portofino, Cinque terre, Genova, Portovenere, Riviera dei fiori, Tigullio, Rapallo.
Local food
Cuisine: Trenette al pesto, Buridda, Brandacujun, Prescinseûa, Sgabei.
Wines: Colline di Levanto, Rossese di Dolceacqua, Val Polcevera Coronata.

Regions of Italy: