Farmhouses In Italy - Complete Informations, Photos And Rewies To Help You Choosing Your Perfect Farmhouse Calabria

97 Recommended Farm-house

Country House in Calabria

Headland of Italy, Calabria region is mainly reflected on Tirreno and Ionio sea, passing through the Straits of Messina. This land with the National Parks of Aspromonte, Sila and Pollino becomes a sort of natural heaven. Moreover, it preserves marks of a past rich in history. Castles and fortresses, churches and necropolis tell of Greeks and Normans, Byzantines and Aragonesi in a fabulous framework.
Don't miss
Reggio Calabria, Crotone, Mantea, Sibari, Tropea, Scilla, Parks of Aspromonte, Sila and Pollino
Local food:
Cuisine: Lagane e ciciari ara cusentina, Zuppa i cipudduzzi, Piscistoccu a 'nzalata, Cannarìculi.
Wines: Bivongi, Cirò, Pollino, Greco di Bianco

Regions of Italy: