The month of February is really rich for its wealth of art exhibitions and cultural events in the most beautiful cities of Italy. Here are some tips to spend an alternative weekend on the hunt for… masterpieces!
- Tags:
- Andy Warhol
- art cities
- art shows
- bed and breakfast in venice
- boat tours
- bologna exhibitions
- contemporary art
- correr museum
- exhibitions
- exhibitions February
- exhibitions genoa
- exhibitions lazio
- exhibitions milan
- exhibitions Palazzo Relae
- exhibitions pavia
- exhibitions venice
- girl with a pearl earring
- guided tours
- heritage
- holiday farmhouses bologna
- impressionism
- Italian art
- Italian masterpieces
- italian museums
- Kandinsky
- lagoon tours
- modern painters
- munch scream
- nature trails
- offers farmhouses
- painting exhibitions
- rome exhibitions
- rome holiday cottages
- St. Mark's Square
- the cathedral of milan
- visit genoa
- weekend art cities