Arrival: Thursday, September 2, 2010
Departure: Sunday, September 5, 2010
100 Euro per person

Day 1 (Overnight)
Day 2 (Breakfast, overnight)
Day 3 (Breakfast, overnight)
Day 4 (Breakfast)

The property is situated atop a hill surrounded by an olive grove from which you can admire the gentle hills typical of the Abruzzo landscape until you arrive, with sweeping views, one hand the snowy peaks of the Gran Sasso and Maiella, and the other to see the Adriatic Sea.
The large space available and the garden allows everyone, including families with small children, to relax and rejuvenate in the general silence, among the scents and colors of nature.

In addition, owners carry on with passion and dedication the production of extra virgin olive oil, excellent product in an area, that “Aprutino-Pescara”, to which the European Community recognized the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO).

The oil production comply strictly with the rules of organic farming as well as products with which it is prepared breakfast: all products have also been inspired by respect for local traditions trying to keep alive over time.