More than 200 hectares of fertile land surrounded by green hills: here lies the farm house Gigliotto, a family business deeply rooted into the rural traditions and the history of its territory, starting from the origins of the farm house itself, that once used to be a monastery. Mrs Giusy makes us discover the autochthonous vine, and the countless curiosities that the guests of this facility can enjoy.

When did you start your business?
The farm house opened in 2000. Afterwards it was restored and some annexes have been added for the rooms and the cellar.

Why did you decide to open a farm house?
A farm house was already there in this area, and we decided to start this business because it we thought it would be extremely rewarding, and just in the place where we were born and grew up.

Which typical products is it possible to taste at your farm house?
All the fruit and vegetables come from our own production, together with wine: we have our own cellar.

Do you carry out any activities with your guests?
It is possible to visit the cellar, also while the production is in progress, and watch – but also take part in – all the agricultural activities, such as grape harvest, the production of cheese and of tomato sauce.

Which is your best memory linked to the guests that stayed at your farm house?
I have so many! Perhaps the best one is the memory of the sixtieth birthday of one of our guests, who comes here three times a year: on those three days, the farm house was really experienced and enjoyed at its fullest.

Which peculiarity characterizes your farm house?
Undoubtedly our autochthonous vine and the chance to discover its history. We also have a museum of rural traditions, where a number of farm implements of the past can be admired. This in fact is a typical Sicilian “baglio”, where cattle sheds are not far from the cells of the monks of this ancient 14th-century monastery. From some remains it can be assumed that here the ancient church used to rise too.

What is your greatest satisfaction linked to your business?
The acknowledgement that we got in the United States: the wine we make was a real success at an important event in Miami.