Abruzzo is a region where natural beauty and history enable travelers to immerse themselves in an atmosphere made special  by the variety of landscapes, for the chance to switch quickly from the sea to the mountains, enjoying the beauty of both environments.

There are many places worth a visit: Sulmona, L’Aquila, Giulianova, the National Parks Sirente and Velino. All these places are a must for those who want to discover the charm of this region nestled in the center of our peninsula.


Among the specialties of Abruzzo there are maltagliati, porchetta, arrosticini and fish soup. The  cuisine of Abruzzo is very much based on pastoral and mountainous traditions, very important to the regional economy.


For lovers of blondes until June 17th you can participate in the Beer Fest Giulianova, near the town by the same name in the province of Teramo, while for food lovers should not miss the feast of dumplings and beans, which will take place on June 30th in Oricola, in the province of L’Aquila.

Offers and Last Minute

To discover this land of fascinating sights and good food, check out the offers to stay at a farmhouse!