Farmhouses Abruzzo

151 Recommended Farm-house

Agriturismo in Abruzzo

With its flourishing and enchanting nature, the region Abruzzo is the land of Parks (Abruzzo, Gran Sasso, Majella Parks) and of villages shaped by centuries of history: L'Aquila, Sulmona, Teramo are only a few of them hosting castles, ancient churches, hermitages, and sanctuaries. Along the coast: sandy beaches, Mediterranean pinewoods, cliffs and promontories. Tasting
Local food
is a worthy ending to this unique experience!
Don't miss
L'Aquila, Sulmona, Giulianova, Ortona, Teramo, Vasto, Abruzzo National Park
Local food:
Cuisine: Agnello cacio e uova, Brodetto di Vasto, Maiale n'docca n'docca, Maccheroni alla chitarra
Wines: Montepulciano D'Abruzzo, Trebbiano, Controguerra, Tullum.

Regions of Italy: