Reiseroute Italienischen Parks entdecken


Parks are among the most important nature reserves in Italy. Animal and plant species in these areas provide a fundamental heritage for the ecosystem of our country, which must be protected every day, in a continuous process of care, protection and enhancement of the full potential of these wonderful reserves.

Typ: Nature
Weglänge: 374 km
Fahrt mit dem Fahrrad oder Auto
Empfohlene Jahreszeiten: any

The Marsican brown bear lives in the woods of these parks, and its sharp hearing helps it to find food. Its average lifespan lasts 40 years and about 40 specimens live in the area of the Abruzzo National Park.
Spezialitäten Küche: arrosticino, porchetta,"maccheroni alla chitarra", pecorino cheese
Wein: : Trebbiano d'Abruzzo, Controguerra, Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, Biferno

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National Park of Monti Sibillini – Marche
Established in 1993, it covers almost 70,000 hectares and it is subdivided into four sides: the side of Nera and its Guaite (a land rich in castles and watchtowers), the flowery side (including the northernmost part of the Park, Fiastrone valley and the Cave of the Bear, attesting to the presence of this species on the Sibillini Mountains in the past), the side of magics (popular for the countless legends on prophetess Sibyl and for Hell's Ravine (Gola dell'Infernaccio), and finally the sacred side (including Norcia, Saint Benedict's hometown).

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National Park Gran Sasso and Monti della Lega – Abruzzo
Gran Sasso National Park was opened in 1991 and it is one of the largest protected areas in Italy (here you can find the Edelweiss and the chamois of the Apennines, the golden eagle and the wolf) with many waterfalls (Morricana, Fossi del Molinaro di Selva Grande, Ortanza, Barche) and a major archaeological site, Amiternum, an ancient town founded by the Sabine whose name comes from the Aterno river. Here there is also the only glacier of the Apennines, Calderone, the southernmost in Europe, and the remains of the Castle of Macchia (known as Castel Manfrino), a majestic building where they found some traces of a baptismal font entirely dug into rock.

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Regional Nature Park Sirente Velino - Abruzzo
The Sirente Velino Natural Park was established in 1989 and it is now a protected area of high relevance: in the park you can discover some specimens of the Apennine wolf and of the wild cat. The main mountains are Massiccio del Sirente e del Velino, the Ravines of Celano (a canyon that can be visited, dug by the waters of La Foce) and the caves of Stiffe (a remarkable instance of subterranean karsification).

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National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise
The Abruzzo National Park is an extremely ancient protected area. Established in 1922, and opening the way to all the other parks in the area, the park is the ideal habitat for an unrivaled character: the Marsican bear (which can reach 150 kg of weight and 1.80 meters of height). The flora features the iris and the black pine of Villetta Barrea, a species presumably dating back to the Cenozoic, a variety that is present only in the Park.

Regional Park of the Simbruini Mountains - Lazio
The Regional Park of the Simbruini Mountains is a protected nature reserve located in Lazio. It is the largest natural park in the region, which owes its name to its location in an area where rain is a frequent phenomenon (the place name Simbruini comes from the Latin "sub Imbrium", which iterally means "under the rain"). The land has karst origins and is characterized by the presence of numerous animal and plant species, including a wide range of orchids.

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