Reiseroute Etrusker entdecken


The Etruscan civilization is one of the most fascinating mysteries for history buffs. The traces left by these people are many, and there are many visitors every year who decide to leave, traveling between Lazio and Tuscany, in order to discover the most interesting places that flourished thanks to this civilization.

Typ: Culture, Nature
Weglänge: 330 km
Fahrt mit dem Auto oder Fahrrad
Empfohlene Jahreszeiten: Any

One of the biggest mysteries related to the Etruscan civilization is undoubtedly the language. Even today, researchers are struggling to define the language spoken by the Etruscan peoples, since that language clearly stands out from other linguistic groups. It was certainly very different from Latin, which replaced it after the Roman conquest.
Spezialitäten Küche: porchetta (pork roast), abbacchio (lamb), amatriciana
Wein: Colli Etruschi Viterbesi rosso doc, Circeo rosso doc, Cori rosso doc

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This town in the province of Pisa is famous because of the working of alabaster. The most interesting area from the archaeological point of view is undoubtedly the town center, where you can find some buildings of Etruscan origins. Among the best preserved ones there is Porta Diana. In addition to this monumental complex, built in large blocks of local stone, here it is possible to admire many graves.

Enthecke die Bauernhöfe von Volterra >>>

Populonia is located in the province of Livorno, and those who visit it in order to find the remains of the Etruscan civilization can stop at the necropolis, located in the archaeological park by the same name. The Archaeological Park of Baratti and Populonia was opened in 1998 and it houses some of the best-preserved burial mounds dating back to the Etruscan civilization.

Enthecke die Bauernhöfe von Livorno >>>

Vulci was one of the great city-states of Etruria, and this is proved by the sumptuous funerary objects found in its necropolis. Visit the Archaeological Park of Vulci and the renowned Eastern Necropolis whit the François Tomb, the Tomb of the Inscriptions and the Mound of Cuccumella.

Tarquinia is a small town in Lazio, in the province of Viterbo. Lovers of the Etruscan civilization can find here some of the most famous tombs on the route dedicated to this people. Among the stages not to be missed there is undoubtedly the necropolis Monterozzi, where you can see some wonderful instances of mural painting in caves carved into the rock.

Enthecke die Bauernhöfe von Tarquinia >>>

This town in the province of Rome features some important archaeological sites, including the Etruscan necropolis of Banditaccia. This site hosted one of the most important testimonies of the Etruscan civilization, the sarcophagus of the spouses, which you can see in the halls of the National Museum of Etruscan Art in Rome. Among the most charming places of the city is the “Via degli Inferi”, literally the way of the Underworld, a subterranean street dug into tuff in order to connect the world of the living with the necropolis.

Enthecke die Bauernhöfe von Cerveteri >>>

San Valentine auf einem Bauernhof
San Valentine auf einem Bauernhof
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Ostern auf dem Bauernhof
Ostermontag auf dem Bauernhof
Ostermontag auf dem Bauernhof
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