农家 Campidano

34 农家乐推荐

Farm-house Alba Chiara
4.3 -
6 审查
从 60 € 双人房住宿一晚费用

Farm-house Alba Chiara

Arbus (Cagliari)

地图 照片 方便用电话联络吗
一个美丽的结构被绿色包围,打开了卡片 Alba chiara - 阅读更多 >>
  • 无线网络
  • 室内餐厅
  • 童車區
  • 美丽的景色
  • 空调
  • 睡: 10 类型: 公寓, 房间
从 60 € 双人房住宿一晚费用

农家乐 - Campidano

The Campidano is the larger flat area in Sardegna. The origin of this area is tectonic and it is located in Cagliari, Carbonia-Iglesias and Oristano provinces. Montiferru is one of the most important touristic attractions in this area.
